Presentations available on-line
by Jean-Yves Le Boudec
- "Time Sensitive Networks, Network Calculus and Clock Non-idealities", pdf, LORIA Colloquium, Nancy, October 17, 2024.
- "Time Sensitive Networks and Network Calculus", pdf, Dagstuhl Seminar on Network Calculus, Schloss Dagstuhl, April 1-4, 2024.
- "Time Sensitive Networks, Network Calculus and Clock Non-idealities", pdf, video, LINCS and ERC-NEMO Workshop "Performance Guarantees in Wireless Networks", Telecom-Paris, Palaiseau, March 8-9, 2023.
- "TCP/IP, les protocoles qui font fonctionner l’Internet" (cours de 3 heures pour les maîtres de gymnase / professeurs des lycées), pdf, avec solutions, EPFL, 6 Février 2023.
- "Introduction to TCP/IP" (a 5-hours-course, for engineers), pdf, with solutions, EPFL, 27th January 2023.
- "Smart Grid and Its Requirements on Networking", pdf, Huawei STW 2022, Sept 26-28, Shenzhen, China and online.
- "Time Sensitive Networks, Network Calculus and Clock Non-idealities", pdf, Keynote speech, WiOpt 2022, Torino, Sept 19, 2022.
- "The Stationary Behaviour of Fluid Limits of Reversible Processes is Concentrated on Stationary Points", pdf, full paper, Atelier d’Evaluation de Performance 2022, Grenoble, France, July 3-4, 2022.
- "Performance Evaluation: A Preparation for
Statistics and Data Science ?", pdf, video, full paper, TeaPACS 2021 – 1st International Workshop on Teaching Performance Analysis of Computer Systems, Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, 12th November 2021.
- "Regulators, Dampers and Clock Non Idealities in Time Sensitive Networks", pdf, Academic Salon on Time-Sensitive Networking and Deterministic Applications, TUM, 13-14 October 2021.
- "A Short Introduction to Network Calculus", pdf, IMAG, Grenoble, Nov 12, 2019,
- "A Long Introduction to Network Calculus", pdf, video, Dagstuhl Seminar on Analysis, Design, and Control of Predictable Interconnected Systems, March 4 and EPFL April 5, 2019,
- The mathematics of energy systems, Flexible operation and advanced control for energy systems workshop, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 2019 Jan 7-11, "Real-time operation of microgrids", pdf, video
- Keynote Lecture - International Workshop on Network Calculus and Applications (NetCal 2018), Vienna, Sept 7, 2018, "Network Calculus -- Regulators from Integrated Services to Deterministic Networking" pdf.
- Distinguished Lecture Series - SFB MAKI - TU Darmstadt, May 17, 2018, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids and Reliable Networking" pdf.
- Simons Institute on Societal Networks, March 26-29, 2018, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids" pdf.
- NREL Seminar, March 23, 2018, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids" pdf.
- WoNeCa 2018, Erlangen, 28th February 2018, "FIFO Systems with Interleaved Regulators" pdf.
- IEEE Meeting, 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking,
Geneva, Switzerland, 22-27 January 2018, "Application of Network Calculus to the TSN Problem Space" pdf.
- IETF 100, Nov 16, 2017 "Applicability of Network Calculus to Detnet" pdf.
- PowerTech 2017, Special Session: Mathematical foundations of Power System Analysis, Manchester, June 21, 2017, "On the exact formulation and convexification of AC-OPF problems in radial power networks", (with Mario Paolone) pdf.
- NET-CPS 2016: International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems, TU Munich, Sept 19, 2016, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids", pdf.
- IGBSG 2016, Prag, June 28, 2016 (Keynote Speech) "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids", pdf.
- UCN@Sophia Labex Seminar, June 2nd, 2016, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Distribution Grids", pdf.
- Eurotech PhD Summer School", Feb 2-13, 2015, EPFL, "Introduction to Demand
Response", pdf.
- Stochastic networks and stochastic geometry
A conference dedicated to François Baccelli on his 60th birthday
Paris, January 12 - 14, 2015, "Stochastic Analysis Of Real And Virtual Storage In The Smart Grid", pdf.
- Workshop "As Scalable as Possible", INRIA-EPFL, Lausanne, Jan 9, 2015, "Real-Time Control of Electrical Grids with Explicit Power Setpoints ", pdf.
IEEE Microgrids - Evolution and Integration in Modern Power System,
April 30, 2014,
EPFL Lausanne. "A Composable Method for Real-
Time Control of Microgrids with
Explicit Power Setpoints" Part I, Part II (by Prof. Paolone)
- 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop on Smart Grid Design & Implementation, March 28 - 29, 2014, University of Florida, "Real Time Control of Distribution Networks (COMMELEC) ",
- Eurotech Summer School, Integrated Approaches to Energy Systems, EPFL, June 2013,"Introduction to Demand Response"
- Energy Systems Week: Management of Variability and Uncertainty in Energy Systems, April 22-26, 2013, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK,
"Real-Time Storage and Demand Management",
pptx, video)
- ROCKS Autumn School, Brixen, October 22-25, 2012, "Mean Field Analysis of Discrete Time Markov Chains",
part 1 (finite time horizon),
part 2 (infinite horizon),
part 3 (control).
- IEEE Greencom Conference, Online, September 26-28, 2012, "Stochastic Analysis Of Real And Virtual Storage In TheSmart Grid", keynote speech, (pdf,
pptx, video)
- Network Science Workshop, CUHK, Hong Kong, July 25, 2012, "Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems", (pdf,
- Greenmetrics, London, June 11, 2012, "Stochastic Analysis Of Real And Virtual Storage In TheSmart Grid" (with Nicolas Gast and Dan-Cristian Tomezei), (pdf,
- ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series, KTH, Stockholm, May 28, 2012, "Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems", (pdf,
- WoNeCa 2012, Kaiserslautern, March 21, 2012, "The System Theory of Network Calculus", (pdf,
- Energy Systems Day, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, March 12, 2012, "Satisfiability of Elastic Demand in the Smart Grid", ( pdf,
pptx, video)
- ABB-EPFL Meeting on Smart Grid, Dättwil, Switzerland, October 4, 2011 "A Service Curve Approach to Demand Response", (pdf,
- MLQA workshop
on Continuous Approaches in System Modeling & Analysis, Aachen, September 5, 2011, "ODEs and discrete simulation", (pdf,
- SIAM CT 11 Baltimore, July 26, 2011, "Mean Field for Markov Decision Processes: from Discrete to Continuous Optimization", (pdf,
- Energy 2011, May 26, 2011, "Satisfiability of Elastic Demand in the Smart Grid" (pdf,
- IBM Research Lab, Feb 2nd, 2011, "Satisfiability of Elastic Demand in the smart grid" (pdf,
- Performance 2010 Tutorials, Namur, November 16, 2010, "Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems (A Tutorial)": slides
pptx; summary pdf.
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Verification over discrete-continuous boundaries, July 2010, "Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems"
- 2ND IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop, Energy Efficiency & Networking, May-June 2010, Madrid, "Greening of Mobile Networks: Myths and Opportunities", pptx
- Technicolor Workshop on Trends in Network Analysis, April 2010, Issy-les-Moulineaux, "Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems", pptx
- Ecole Polytechnique, January 2010, Palaiseau, "Simulation de Modèles de Mobilité", ppt
- ENSIMAG, October 2009, Grenoble, "Mean field models
of interacting objects: fluid equations, independence
assumptions and pitfalls", ppt
ResCom Summer School, June 2009, La Palmyre, "Palm Calculus Made Easy", ppt
- ResCom Summer School, June 2009, La Palmyre, "Mean field models of interacting objects: fluid equations, independence assumptions and pitfalls", ppt
- GameComp: Game Theory for Analysis and Optimization of Computer Systems and Popeye Workshop, Grenoble, May 21, 2008, "Mean Field Interaction Models for Computer and Communication Systems and the Decoupling Assumption", ppt
- Physcomnet, Berlin, April 2008, Thomson Research seminar,"A Class Of Mean Field Interaction Models for Computer and Communication Systems", ppt
- Paris Networking, March 2008, Thomson Research seminar,"A Class Of Mean Field Interaction Models for Computer and Communication Systems", ppt
- MICS Scientific Conference, January 2008, "Ultra-Wide Band Communication for the Internet of Things", invited talk, ppt
- Valuetools 2007, October 23-25, "A Mean Field Convergence Result for a System of Interacting Objects", Keynote speech, ppt
- QEST 2007, September 17-19, "A Mean Field Convergence Result for a System of Interacting Objects", Keynote speech, ppt
- Intimate 2007
Workshop on Methods and Tools for Network Analysis
- July 9-10, Paris, "A Mean Field Convergence Result for a System of Interacting Objects"ppt
- Workshop on
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Computer Networks
June 21-22, 2007, ENS, Paris, "Is Mean Field a Technology or an Art ?"ppt
- SAC Workshop, ETHZ, March 6, 2007 "Control of Spread in Epidemic Forwarding" ppt.
- ISR Distinguished Lecturer Series, University of Maryland, Feb 2007
"Understanding the simulation of mobility models" ppt, pdf.
- Umass seminar, Feb 15, 2007 "Self Limiting Epidemic Forwarding
and Fluid Approximations of Continuous Time Markov Chains" ppt
- ENS-EPFL Workshop, Jan 2007, "Modeling Networking Systems with Markov Processes" ppt
- KTH, Feb 2006 "Simulation of Random Trip Mobility Models", ppt
- Cambridge University, November 2005, "Simulation of Random Trip Mobility
Models: Stationarity, Perfect Simulation and Long Range Dependence", ppt
- MICS Workshop September 2005, "Perfect Simulation and Stationarity of a
Class of Mobility Models", ppt
- NetCod 2005, Keynote Presentation, "Cross-Layer Design of Wireless MAC
Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks", pdf
- EPFL, 2005 Jan 14, "Immune System Modelling Examples" pdf
- IBM Zurich Research Lab, October 8, 2004, Ultra Wide Band MAC for Very Low
Power : pdf
- Understanding Random Waypoint and how to simulate its stationary
distribution easily. Discover Palm Calculus ppt
- ST Micro Electronics Research Geneva, April 2004, Ultra Wide Band MAC for
Very Low Power : ppt
- Intel Research, January 2004, Ultra Wide Band MAC for Very Low Power : ppt
- Microsoft Research, January 2004, Immune Networking : ppt
- MICS workshop February 2003, Terminode Routing : ppt
- Infocom 2002, PSRG for non FIFO nodes: ppt
- Slides of Network Calculus Tutorials (pdf): Sigmetrics
June 2002, ENS
May 2001 (systems theory aspects)
- Sigmetrics 2001, Variable Length Packet Shapers ppt
- Why delays are important for interactive audio, an entertaining talk (put
sound on), "Algèbres et
Réseaux", in French (Achtung: large file 13 MB), inauguration du DSC,
February 2000