Catalog of illustrative examples

Notation: For each example, we show a drawing of the mobility domain (left figure). For some examples, we display another figure (right figure) that shows steady-state samples of node positions. The positions are colored as follows: (blue) mobile is in move phase, (red) mobile is in pause phase. Most examples are provided with a link to an animation (use spacebar or PgDn key while in animation page to start animation).

Example 1: Voronoi tesselation graph of Jardosh et al (ACM Mobicom 2003)
Domain: Union of line segments (edges)
Model: Random Waypoint (trip endpoints are anywhere on domain); Restricted Random Waypoint (trip endpoints are at intersections)
Data: none
Animation: random waypoint: htm, restricted random waypoint: htm

Example 2: Houston section, Kumar Saha and Johnson (2004), PalChaudhuri et al (2004)
Domain: Line segments of the edges
Model: (Restricted) random waypoint
Data: U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER database

Example 3: Swiss flag, Le Boudec et al (2004)
Domain: Cross section
Model: Random waypoing on general connected domain
Data: none
Animation: htm

Example 4: Restricted random waypoint by Blazevic et al (2004)
Domain: Convex closure of the four squares
Model: Restricted random waypoint
Data: none
Animation: htm

Example 5: Restricted random waypoint on a bowl, Le Boudec et al (2004)
Domain: Convex closure of the bowl in 3-dimensional space
Model: Restricted random waypoint on one sub-domain = bowl's surface
Data: none

Example 6: Random waypoint on a sphere
Domain: Surface of a sphere
Model: Random waypoint
Data: none

Example 7: Random Walk with Wrapping
Domain: Rectangle
Model: Random Walk with Wrapping
Data: none
Animation: htm

Example 8: Random Walk with Reflection
Domain: Rectangle
Model: Random Walk with Reflection
Data: none
Animation: htm

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